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제5회 국회국제보건의료포럼 국제심포지엄 2021: Post 코로나 대비 백신 패스의 국제 법제 동향 The 5th Korean Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health International Symposium 2021


  • Date: November 30th (Tue.), 2021
  • Place: Online

Session A

  • Chairperson | Prof. So Yoon Kim (Yonsei University, South Korea)
  • Moderator | Prof. Sumin Kim (Yonsei University, South Korea)
Time Program & Speaker
18:00~18:30 Opening Ceremony
18:30~21:00 Main Speech
18:30~18:50 Global Trends of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Director General Jerome H. Kim (The International Vaccine Institute)
18:50~19:10 Global Ethical Issues of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Prof. Johannes J.M. van Delden (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
19:10~19:30 International Comparative Analysis of Legal Issues of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Prof. Yann Joly (McGill University, Canada)
19:30~19:40 Break
19:40~19:55 Digital Certification of COVID-19 Vaccination: Privacy trends in China, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore
- Prof. Calvin Ho (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
19:55~20:10 COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Trends in Japan
- Prof. Takanori Fujita (Keio University, Japan)
20:10~20:25 Digital Vaccination Certificate: Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Prof. Chih-Hsing Ho (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
20:25~20:40 COVID-19 Management and Vaccination Certificate Trends in India
- Prof. Athira P S (National University of Advanced Legal Studies, India)
20:40~20:55 COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Trends in Korea
- Prof. Hannah Kim (Yonsei University, South Korea)
20:55~21:00 Break

Session B

  • Chairpersons: Prof. Yann Joly (McGill University, Canada)
    Prof. So Yoon Kim (Yonsei University, South Korea)
Time Program & Speaker
21:00~21:55 Discussion
18:30~21:00 Panel. Woojin Jung (Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency)
21:55~22:00 Closing Remarks


  • 일자: 2021년 11월 30일(화)
  • 장소: 온라인 컨퍼런스

Session A

  • 좌장 : 김소윤 교수 (연세대학교)
  • 사회 : 김수민 교수 (연세대학교)
시간 프로그램 및 연사
18:00~18:30 개회식
18:30~21:00 주제발표
18:30~18:50 Global Trends of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Jerome H. Kim 사무총장 (국제백신연구소)
18:50~19:10 Global Ethical Issues of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Johannes J.M. van Delden 교수 (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
19:10~19:30 International Comparative Analysis of Legal Issues of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
- Yann Joly 교수 (McGill University, Canada)
19:30~19:40 휴식
19:40~19:55 Digital Certification of COVID-19 Vaccination: Privacy trends in China, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore
- Calvin Ho 교수 (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
19:55~20:10 COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Trends in Japan
- Takanori Fujita 교수 (Keio University, Japan)
20:10~20:25 Digital Vaccination Certificate: Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Chih-Hsing Ho 교수 (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
20:25~20:40 COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Trends in India
- Athira P S 교수 (National University of Advanced Legal Studies, India)
20:40~20:55 COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Trends in Korea
- 김한나 교수 (연세대학교, South Korea)
20:55~21:00 휴식

Session B

  • 좌장 : Yann Joly 교수 (McGill University, Canada), 김소윤 교수 (연세대학교)
시간 프로그램 및 연사
21:00~21:55 패널토의
18:30~21:00 패널 1. 정우진 정보통계담당관 (질병관리청)
21:55~22:00 폐회사


국회국제보건의료포럼 (07233) 서울시 영등포구 의사당대로 1 (여의도동) 국회소통관 321호 국회국제보건의료포럼
국회국제보건의료포럼 2021 행사사무국 전화 02-573-6207, 6210 이메일 info.kpfgh@gmail.com
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