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ㆍ 제목 [2009] Consensus Making Process in the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline for Physical Impairment: Evaluation as a Social Process
ㆍ 조회수 1111 ㆍ 등록일시 2017-07-07 10:12:59
ㆍ 첨부파일 파일다운로드(90_Consensus Making Process in the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline for physical Impairment_Evaluation as a Social Process(2009).pdf)



저자:   염유식, 이미진, 황선철


학회지:​ JKMS 24 (Suppl 2) 

이전글 [2009] Development of the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline for Rating Physical Impairment
다음글 [2009] 삶의 마감방식의 결정에 대한 한국의 과제